Identifying the components of the development of Iranian sports digital Games based on the RACE marketing model

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Sport Management, Shahid rajaee Teacher Training university, Tehran, Iran.

2 Asistant Professor, Sport Management, Shahid rajaee Teacher Training university, Tehran, Iran.

3 M.A in Sport Management, Shahid rajaee Teacher Training university, lavizan, Tehran, Iran.


This research aimed to identify the key components influencing the development of Iranian digital sports games using the RACE marketing model. The qualitative research method employed thematic analysis, employing a comparative approach and the creation of a thematic network. The study encompassed literature review and semi-structured interviews with 15 experts in marketing, manufacturing, government management, academia, and professional gaming, all grounded in the RACE marketing model, until reaching theoretical saturation. For the "increasing brand awareness" theme, six interconnected elements emerged, including advertising and promotion content, promotion processes, promotion platforms, branding strategies, successful branding techniques, and essential supporting infrastructure. In the "audience interaction with the brand" theme, four integrated components were identified: product introduction appeal, gameplay platform attractiveness, game process engagement, and effective support and logistics.

For "attracting potential audiences," five unified themes were recognized: game structure, domain-specific advertising, management prerequisites, game economics, and ensuring game security. In the "increasing customer relationship development" theme, six integrated elements surfaced: product and service quality, addressing customer needs, extensive advertising efforts, efficient communication channels, value chain integration within the game, and maintaining game security. Additionally, a thematic network was illustrated based on the RACE marketing model. The study recommends that Iranian digital game managers, producers, and marketers focus on all identified factors concurrently. The results underwent scrutiny for acceptance, transferability, and validity through scientific evaluation methods.


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