In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Sports Management of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master's student in sports management, University of Urmia, Iran

2 Professor of Sports Management Department, University of Urmia, Iran



The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the role of community participation and the effects of tourism in supporting the development of sports event tourism in coastal cities.The research method is practical in terms of purpose and is based on the collection of descriptive-explanatory and correlational data, which was carried out in a survey way. The collection tool in the current research is a standard questionnaire. The sample size of the current research was determined based on Cochran's formula of 384 people. Data analysis was done with the help of EXCEL and SPSS software. At the level of inferential statistics, due to non-normality of the data, PLS Smart software was used (to calculate factor analysis, path analysis, and relationship between hidden factors and model fit). In deductively, the results of the research hypotheses are presented based on the structural model.The results show that all research hypotheses have been confirmed.The results of this research show that there is a meaningful relationship between community participation and the social, economic and environmental effects of tourism in coastal cities, and by strengthening them, these desirable effects can be achieved.


Main Subjects