In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Sports Management of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Secretary of Education




The purpose of this research is to identify the strategic management factors of financial sponsors in sports and provide a model. The research method is mixed and sequential exploratory. The statistical population in the qualitative section was sports management spicialist, managers and employees sport team in super leagues, also top and board managers, financial and sail managers of large hndustry unit in Kermanshah province, who were sampled by snowball method. In order to collect qualitative data, the researcher reached theoretical saturation by conducting 15 semi-structured interviews. In a small part of all employees of sports federations, based on Morgan's table, 248 people were selected as a statistical sample and sampling was done by simple random sampling. Through the information received from the interviews and coding through the MAXQDA software, the design and construct validity of the questionnaire was confirmed through confirmatory factor analysis. Using AMOS software, the final research model was presented. The results showed that the sponsor's image plays the biggest role in the strategic management of sponsors in sports, and beliefs do not play a role in the strategic management of sponsors, and the factors of participation, attachment, honesty, performance, image, attitude, and knowledge predict 91% of management. Supporters in sports have a strategy.


Main Subjects