Sport Management, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman
Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman
The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of sportswear manufacturing company's social responsibility on customer loyalty, by using the Carroll pyramid (1991). The research method was survey, that its statistical population was entire suppliers of sport wear goods all around the country; Multi-stage cluster sampling method (targeted) was conducted in ten provinces. And 10 cities from provinces were chosen as study sample; 450 questionnaire distributed among seller, that only 403 were used for analysis. Study data was collected by using a questionnaire developed by the researcher with four economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic dimension comprising 23 questions. Face-related and content validity of the questionnaire was evaluated by the sport management and management experts and the validity using exploratory factor analysis was reviewed and approved. The final reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed by calculating Cronbach's alpha (84/0 = α). To analyze the data, one-sample t-test and ANOVA were used by SPSS20 software.The study findings showed that among three dimensions of Carroll pyramid, economic, legal, ethical responsibility is effective on customer loyalty. But philanthropic responsibility did not show a significant impact. Based on the study findings we can say that corporate activity in these 3 dimensions is one of the factors that can make customer loyal. And make benefit for both customer and corporation.
Khalili, S. , Nooraee, T. and Sharifan, E. (2014). The impact of Sportswear Manufacturing Companies Social Responsibility on Loyalty of Distribution Agent. Applied Research in Sport Management, 3(2), 101-114.
Khalili, S. , , Nooraee, T. , and Sharifan, E. . "The impact of Sportswear Manufacturing Companies Social Responsibility on Loyalty of Distribution Agent", Applied Research in Sport Management, 3, 2, 2014, 101-114.
Khalili, S., Nooraee, T., Sharifan, E. (2014). 'The impact of Sportswear Manufacturing Companies Social Responsibility on Loyalty of Distribution Agent', Applied Research in Sport Management, 3(2), pp. 101-114.
S. Khalili , T. Nooraee and E. Sharifan, "The impact of Sportswear Manufacturing Companies Social Responsibility on Loyalty of Distribution Agent," Applied Research in Sport Management, 3 2 (2014): 101-114,
Khalili, S., Nooraee, T., Sharifan, E. The impact of Sportswear Manufacturing Companies Social Responsibility on Loyalty of Distribution Agent. Applied Research in Sport Management, 2014; 3(2): 101-114.