Analysis and Modeling of Fan-based brand equity in Iran Football Clubs

Document Type : Research Paper



This research aims to validate and factor analysis of Fan Based Brand Equity (FBBE) questionnaire of
football in Iranian super league clubs that was descriptive-analysis and done through survey method. The
statistic society was football club fans of 13thfootball super league and sample society was 880 of chosen
seven clubs using Qucran sampling method done by available sample using random category and
clustering methods. The instrument was author made questionnaire of FBBE. Total reliability was
(CVI=0.91) and validity was surveyed in 2 pilot methods of test-retest (ICC= 0.89) and Chronbach that
showed upper than 0.8 for 52 questions and lower for 2 ones, that were eliminated from questionnaire
finally. Firstly, data were analyzed for descriptive of mean, Std. frequencies, percentiles and charts, then,
descriptive statistical were evaluated for all variables. Using KS showed that distribution was normal, and
Amos were used for exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The results showed that collected data
are in line with research theory model with amounts of 20.86 for Chi-Square and 0.066 for significant that
is more than 0.05. (GFI) is 0.984 that is a desirable amount for Model fitting. (RMSEA) is 0.064 and
considering that the amount is less than 0.07 it can be rule to acceptance of research model. (TLI) index is
0.968, (CFI) index is 0.989 and (PNFI) is 0529 that all are showing desired fitting and acceptance of
research model. The results of Regression estimation show that traits and brand association benefits factors
have no relation on loyalty of Iranian super league fans. Brand association attitudes and brand
identification factors have direct and significant relation with loyalty to brand in Iranian super league fans.


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