Structural equation modeling of factors affecting employee’s social capital of general office of sport and youth of Khorasan Razavi

Document Type : Research Paper



This study aims to determine the factors affecting the social capital of employees in the sport
organization. The method applied in this research was descriptive – correlation. The statistical
population consisted of employees in general office of sport and youth of Khorasan Razavi Province.
Based on Morgan and Krejcie’s sample size table, 86 employees as the sample population were
considered (n=86). The research Instrument was the “social capital questionnaire” (Akbari, 2012)
comprised 26 items with 7 factors. The content and face validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by
expert university panel. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was used to test the reliability of the questionnaires
in pilot study. The reliability of questionnaire was 0.87. The result of structural equation modeling
analysis showed that factors of empowerment and education, identity, co-ownership and teamwork,
commitment, trust, information and knowledge, help and assistance had the highest impact in the form of
social capital respectively (χ2[14]=36.741,Porganizations to maintain and promotion its position in society, can Invest in the factors obtained in this
study in order to provide the social capital.


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