Determining questionnaire validity and reliability of customer loyalty in Sport

Document Type : Research Paper



This study aims to determine questionnaire validity and reliability of customer loyalty in sport. The
statistical population of this study was the pools and private clients in Mashhad unlimited number
formed. Using a sample of 382 persons was determined through Cochran formula and were selected
randomly. Measurement Instrument was a questionnaire of 8 questions of customer loyalty Lee (2008)
included 2 subscales (behavioral and attitude). Methods of structural equation has been implemented in
the field. Validity of questionnaire was accepted after translating by professors of sport management and
specialists. Statistical methods were descriptional indexes for describing data, Cronbach`s alpha for
determining validity, analysis of an accepting factor to determine the validity. Analytical results showed
(α =0.86) reliability for loyalty questionnaire. All factors had a significant relationship with concept
loyalty in reliability of Structure, the amount of relationship and T-value. X2/df=2.85, RMSEA=0.096
indexes and NFI=0.93, NNFI=0.94, CFI=0.96, IFI=0.96, RFI=0.90 and GFI=0.94 also confirmed
appropriateness of models. Also, the results about the relationships of factors with the meaning of loyalty
showed that all factors could be a good predictor for the concept of loyalty, finally internal and external
validity of customer loyalty model was accepted.


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