The relationship between organizational culture and creativity as well as productivity of physical education faculty members of Payame Noor University

Document Type : Research Paper



This study concerns the relationship between organizational culture and creativity as well as productivity
among Payame Noor university physical education faculty members. Accordingly, a co-relational-descriptive
method has been employed for this study. The population of the study comprises 87 Payame Noor university
physical education faculty members selected by total inclusion of the population. The data were collected by
some standard questionnaires such as Robin’s organizational culture questionnaire (1996), Rendsip’s creativity
questionnaire (1979) and Echio’s productivity questionnaire (1980). Moreover, the content validity of the given
questionnaires was determined by an expert panel. Besides, the normality of the data distribution was attested
by Kolmograph-Smirnov test not to mention the correlation between variables has been verified by Pearson
correlation co-efficient. The results of the study revealed that organizational culture such as organizational
identity, considering controversies, management support, organizational consistency, taking risks, clear goals,
bonus system had a significant correlation with the creativity of PNU faculty members, whereas, organizational
identity, individual creativity and control did not have a significant correlation with the creativity of the
mentioned members. Furthermore, it has been found that some factors of organizational culture such as
organizational relationships, bonus system, organizational consistency, control and individual creativity had a
significant correlation with the productivity of PNU faculty members, however, factors such as considering
controversies, organizational identity, clear goals, taking risks and management support did not confirm a
significant correlation with the productivity of PNU faculty members.


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