In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Sports Management of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper



The aim of this research was to identify factors affecting the development of Sport for all via the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (I.R.I.B) through a heuristic and qualitative approach. The statistical population consisted of experts and activists in the field of public sport, sport media, authorities and university professors who had worked in the media field. The snowball/chain sampling was used to choose the experts. The instrument in the qualitative part of the study was the interview. The author reached a theoretical saturation after the 14th interview and a qualitative content analysis was used to analyze the data. The findings of the qualitative part of the study included 45 components, from which 18 components in the cognitive role, 11 components in the normative role, and 4 components were in the regulatory role. Also, 12 components were identified as factors affecting the TV programs production. In this research, through studying the previous literature and theoretical basis of this paper, the author provided a background for next phase of the study. Then, the objectives of study were identified by choosing some main concepts resulted from the studies. Finally, in this research, 33 effective components in three main themes of the study (cognitive, normative and regulatory roles) and 31 components were identified as inhibiting factors. Also, there were 12 identified components which were not included in the triple roles and therefore summarized in the components regarding the program production.


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