In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Sports Management of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


Universiry of Tehran


The purpose of the present study was the study of Customer experiences of the service Aquatic sports clubs. The current research is correlational and practical. A researcher - made questionnaire was administered and its reliability was approved by the professors and experts in this field. Its validity was controlled by the alpha Cronbach test. 385 questionnaires were delivered and among them, 250 were filled out and gathered. The sample data used in the present study were all customers of these aquatic sport clubs in Kish Island. The number of the sample was selected due to their availability. In order to describe the demography of the replicants and questions descriptive statistics and in the field of inferential statistics, internal consistency and conformity factor analysis, structural equation modeling were used. To do so MS-Excel SPSS ver 18 and Lisrel ver 8.80 software were chosen. The results of the study revealed that based on costumer experiences of service in Aquatic sports clubs all the relations of the conceptual model were significant except Received value of the variable loyalty. . In other words, the changes in the received value don’t have a significant influence on the loyalty criteria, but its impact can be verified by the satisfaction criteria


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