In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Sports Management of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper



This study is focused on production system amoung 3 axis of T.V. Study (audience, content and production). The purposive was recognizing the factors and criteria which have effect on sports production system on Iranian T.V. channels.The analyzing was basis on oriented media and oriented audience theories. The oriented media theories know the media as a main factor in human changes, but oriented audience theorie has emphasized on audience and belive the sports T.V. programs creats for reseon of the audience needs.
The methodology was qualitative and the data were gathered by deep interviewing with media experts. The sampeling was nonrandomized and purposive method and researcher choosed the known persons about sports media experts.
The findings showed which sport T.V. channel can be the core of the sport T.V channels and other T.V. channels can act as a complemension. It was a need to provide more opportunities for choosing sports T.V. programs by audiences. The T.V. channels managers must try to broadcst different sports and change the demands of audiences about sports and programs.
