In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Sports Management of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of social responsibility on club reputation of selective teams in football premier league of Iran including: Esteghlal, perspolice and Travkorsazi. Population for this study was fans of three teams in football premier league. Since the population was unlimited, sample size determined by using formula and obtained 384 people in sum. Data collection tool was club social responsibility researcher – made questionnaire based on Galbrith questionnaire and club reputation questionnaire based on resler questionnaire. For data collection, the social responsibility questionnaire and club reputation questionnaire (prepared according to the Chan questionnaire 2005), and validity approved by 6 professional sport management professors and the reliability by choronbachs alpha coefficient. To verify the Construct Validity of social responsibility instrument, Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were performed. In order to verify the normality of data distribution, the skewness, and Kurtosis indexes were used.  Data analyzed by Descriptive and inferential tests such as means, standard division and multiple regression. Result showed that all variable of social responsibility affects the reputation of the club. In sum 78 percent of reputation Variance is predicting by social responsibility. Based on result, attending to social responsibility such as participating in the games aimed at helping needy people, implementing the federations rules, protection of sport for all and such activities can increase club reputation.


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