In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Sports Management of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper



This paper aims to study the presentation of structural equations model factors affecting development of purchasing sports goods via internet. The research method is a survey and its target is applicable. The population of the research were faculty and graduate students and Ph.D. candidatesin Physical Education (N =3196) public universities across the country; A total of 436 persons with cluster and indirect chosen were selected. The required data was collected through using a questionnaire. The face validity of the Questionnaire is verified based on 10 sports and insurance management professionals and content validity was calculated based on lavshy (CVI=0/86).In order to identify and assess the validity, the exploratory factor analysis was used. The overall internal reliability of the questionnaire obtained through Cronbach's alpha (α=0/81). For data analysis, parametric tests, one- sample t -test and ANOVA and post hoc Bonferroni’s multiple significance level of p


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