In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Sports Management of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


payam noor university


The objective of the present study was to identify the relationship of time management with tendency to planning tendency and creativity of managers and employees of the ministry of youth and sports. Methodological surveying is correlation and has taken place in field. Population composed of all experts of the Ministry of sport and youth (90 Managers, 600 employees) that 307 (73 Managers & 234 Employees) persons were determined based on Morgan table. The Time Management Questionnaire (α=0.89), Koein Standard Questionnaire (α=0.81), and Jazni’s Job Creativity Questionnaire (α=0.76) were used as instruments. To classify the results, descriptive statistics, to test the normality of the data, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, and to find the relationships and predict the variables, Pearson correlation and Multiple Regressions were used respectively. According to the results, significant positive relationships were observed between time management and its components and planning tendency. Similarly, significant positive relationships were observed between time management and its components and creativity. Regression results showed that 28% of planning tendency and 44.7% of creativity total variances were associated with components of time management. Based on the results, there were close relationships between time efficiency and planning and time efficiency and creativity. In addition, planning could be considered as one of the most important factors in the process of time management. Work time and personal affairs planning plays an important role in planning tendency and creativity. Moreover, Daily personal activities scheduling is very important in appropriate use of available time during the day.


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