Comparison strategies to cope with competitive anxiety in athletes, martial Due to varying levels of success in competitions

Document Type : Research Paper


Sport Management , Payame Noor University


Comparative study of competitive anxiety and coping strategies in combat sports championship in three provincial, national, and international levels. 403 out of the four major sports martial arts wushu, judo, taekwondo and karate tournaments at the provincial, national and international champion, were studied. Competitive anxiety assessment instrument measuring two standard questionnaire with 18 questions and 17 questions of competitive anxiety with coping strategies. To the formal validity and reliability with alpha test  0/86 to assess anxiety and 84/0 was approved for ways to cope. Was determined using the Kruskal-Wallis test: Provincial Medalist most competitive anxiety have cognitive and physical. Meanwhile Medalist Medalist nationally known and internationally competitive anxiety Competitive Anxiety can be experienced physically. Medalist of the International Cognitive coping strategies and physical state medalists than negative coping strategies to deal with anxiety use. The gains in other sports such as experience, improved performance and ... Instead of giving too much money to win the competition to control anxiety and reduce the success of athletes is recommended.
