In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Sports Management of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 faculty members

2 Professor at Payame Noor University

3 Associate Professor at Azad University, Eslamshahr Branch


This paper aims to study the effects of application information and Communication technology on organizational attitudes (organizational commitment and job satisfaction) among Physical education faculty Members and affiliate professors at Payame noor University. This is a descriptive analyctical study wich carried out though survey methodology.The statistical sample and statistical population of Physical Education Faculty members were identical (80 Members) and 250 affiliate professors were selected by cluster random sampling as samples (with population 700 people). Data collection tool was Questionnaires information and Communication technology (ghasemi, farahani and Mashatan, 2012) job satisfaction (Susan J, 2003) and organizational commitment (lina et al,2007). Validity was obtained(Formal and Logical) and reliability obtained by Cronbach’s α each of the questionnaires (0/73, 0/84, 0/88) was calculated respectively. Inferential statistics (Kolmogorov - Smirnov is used to determine how to distribute data, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis) in order to to investigate the research hypothesis. The results show that the correlation among information and communication technology and organizational attitud are positive and significant (p< 0.001, r=0.488). This means that the increased application information technology Contribute to increase the level of organizational attitudes and attitude in all its dimensions will be added. Generaly, ITC application can also reduce the different costs including search and investigation and remediation procedures and standards, along with influential role in the proper use of resources organization. Finaly, it leads to increase organizational attitudes at the University.


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