In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Sports Management of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D student in Sport Management , Bu Ali Sina University

2 Professor in Sport Management, , Allame Tabatabaei University

3 Professor in Sport Management, University of Tehran

4 Associate Professor in Sport Mnangement, Allame Tabatabaei


Today, football; after many changes; behind, from a simple sport has been proposed as a great trading alongside other industries and professions. The aim of this study is to develop a strategic marketing plan for football Premier League clubs based on SWOT analysis. The methodology is based on collection of data and descriptive survey based on functional objective. A total number of 53 which is clubs managers (n = 18) , clubs Marketing Committee (n=10) and sports marketing experts (n=25) participated voluntarily in the study with using purposive sampling. The survey instrument of the study was a questionnaire made up of internal and external factors marketing strategy League and consists of 60 questions. The validity and reliability confirmed by 10 experts in this field through Cronbach's alpha coefficient Which was 0. 87. The data was analyzed by descriptive and analytic statistics of Friedman Test Method for Ranking of League football's marketing strategies factor. Results showed that due to internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) and external factors (opportunities and threats) and resulting in SWOT strategic analysis, marketing position in football was offensive and the most important purpose according to Friedman's test, was to develop supportive, facilitative and encouraging rules, for participants in the field of Marketing football League. According to this target to counter the threat, taking advantage of environmental opportunities, is to eliminate weaknesses and to enhance strengths in football marketing and applying appropriate strategies aremeans to reach  to the objectives of revenue for football.


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