A Study on the Effect of Internet Advertising Factors on Purchase decision of Iranian Sport Consumers

Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of online advertising on sport consumer purchase decision. This research is of  applied research in terms of goals and descriptive-survey as well. statistical Population were students of physical education at colleges and universities in the city of Tehran. Sample size determined through using Cochran formula and obtained 344 people. Data collection tool was Wu et al (2008) questionnaire that its validity approved by 12 professional sport management and marketing professors and confirmatory factor analysis was used to assess construct validity and the reliability through Cronbach's alpha coefficient was calculated for different parts , between 0/86 to 0/91. Data analyzed by descriptive and inferential tests such as means, standard division, kolmogorov-smirnov and stepwise multivariate linear regression and data analysis was performed using SPSS 23. The results show that the factors product involvement degree, attitudes to Internet advertising and Internet advertising content design can predict purchase decision. Internet advertising contact and attention could not also contribute regression equations. Internet advertising involvement and role of goods purchase foremost according to necessity, usage, importance to people and after that attitude creation and good content can increase goods selling.


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