In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Sports Management of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


Since some part of organizational silence is taken from the employee's attitude, in this study job characteristics were analyzed  which through job burnout can fluctuate employees attitude toward the organization silence. 108 employees from sport and youth offices of Hamadan Province randomly  selected through Krejcie and Morgan table and responded to job burnout, job characteristics, and organizational silence questionnaires. Reliability, structural and content validity of each questionnaire were accepted through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Structural equation model results indicated that job design as autonomy (r= - 4.04, t= 2.68), feedback (r= - 0.51, t= 2.47), and task significance (r= - 0.22, t= 1.98) can largely control job burnout. But skill variety had a positive effect on job burnout (r= + 4.78, t= 2.56). Also job burnout had significantly the greatest influence on top manager’s attitude (r= 0.98, t= 5.03) and supervisors (r= 0.67, t= 5.17) to provide organizational silence. Thus it can be concluded that much of the observed organizational silence in the sport organizations are taken from job designs that was codified by top managers. It is recommended that job frameworks should be designed according to autonomy and task significance after identifying the needs of each employees. This process minimizes the most negative attitudes to top managers and supervisors in organizational partnerships.


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