The Relationship between Psychosocial and Environmental Factors Related to Physical Activity in Urmia girl high-schools

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor of Sport Management, Razi University of Kermanshah

2 Ph.D. student in Sport Management, Mazandaran University

3 Ph.D. student in Sport Management, Tabriz University


The purpose of this study was to test the psychological, social and environmental factors in the prediction of physical activity among a random sample of female students, secondary school education in the city of Urmia. Research, cross-survey, based on SEM. The sample consisted of 307 students from first to third high school class. To explore the possible relationship of the four questionnaires, environment variables, psychological and social activities, health, teenage girls, was used, Reliability, through using, Cronbach's alpha was 83/0. Data Analysis was performed through using correlation test structural equation analysis. The test showed that the proposed model, the fit is acceptable, and can be used in future research. It was also noted that all environmental variables, social and emotional, with mutual solidarity, and physical activity, have a meaningful relationship. Accordingly, access to appropriate environmental conditions, friendly support of physical activity, and a sense of self-efficacy for physical activity, are of significant determinants of physical activity in leisure time of teenage girls. Hence, intervention programs should be increased based on environmental opportunities for physical activity, group-center physical activity preparation, and the use of the increased sense of self-efficacy.


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