Identify and ranking the challenges of implementation of customer relationship management in Tehran sports facilities

Document Type : Research Paper



Customer relationship management (CRM) refers to all processes and technologies that companies and organizations deal with to identify, encourage, develop, maintain and provide better service to the customers and attract their satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to identify and ranking the challenges of implementing customer relationship management in public sport clubs. To do so, employees, experts and managers of Tehran governmentalindoorsportclubs were selected as statistical population, because of the largest community, according to Morgan table, 384 subjects were studied and finally 339 filled in questionnaires were analyzed. The data collection tool was Talebi questionnaire (2012) with 22 items and five factors. The results of the test hypotheses used one sample t test, showed that all five mentioned challenges involved in deploying Customer Relationship Management, and the results of factor analysis showed that "lack of sufficient commitment of top managers to implement" and "shifting managers and decision makers" were the most important challenges in the implementation of customer relationship management in Tehran public sport clubs. Based on the findings, it is evident that the    factors or challenges of management, structural, cultural, technical and economic factors are the five key factors influencing the success rate of projects and clients relationship with management in the sport venues.


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