In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Sports Management of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Sport Management, Islamic Azad University

2 MA Governmental Management Islamic Azad University Arak/Youth and Sport General Directorate of Saveh


This Paper aims to identify and rank the barriers of Track and Field development in Markazi Province and offering strategy based on network analysis process (NAP). Statistical population and samples were 100 experts. Data collection was a researcher- made questionnaire, to identify obstacles and bringing up the solutions it was used process network analysis and TOPSIS. For validity and reliability of questionnaire ratio of validity content (CVR) was used. According to NAP the following order of priority identified as the main barriers: facilities and resources, organizational and managerial, social and cultural, media and advertising. Based on the results of this study, the most important sub-criteria were as follows: lack of coach and expert in the Province, weak experience and background of Track and Field, lack of tendency in industrial factories to invest over Track and Field and lack of standard and equipped Track and Field resort. In the next step, strategies are detected. The most important ones are obtained using TOPSIS which are: Attracting coaches and sport managers, attracting industrial sponsor, use of specialist trainers to discover talents in the elementary ages, founding professional clubs, Providing equipment and facilities.


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