The Role of Team Identification in Fans Loyalty of Iranian Football Industry

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant professor of Sport Management, University of Neyshabur


The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of team identification in fans loyalty of Iranian Football Premier League via structural equation modeling. The research method was descriptive-correlation. The statistical population of the study included all fans over 18 years old in the 16 th. Premier League in 2016/17 season. 640 questionnaires were analyzed as statistical sample. Heer and et al (2011) questionnaire was used to measure team identification and Gladen and Funk (2001), and Iwasaki and Havitz (2004) questionnaires were used to measure attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty respectively.After confirming the face and content validity of questionnaires, the reliability of team identification and loyalty questionnaires confirmed via Cronbach’s alpha coefficient in a pilot study.Structural equation modeling were used to analyze data .  Structural equation model analysis showed that team identification has positive and significant effect on fans loyalty.So, it is recommended to sport managers to consider the issues such as acknowledgments the fans and trust building in fans in order to create and enhance the fans loyalty.


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