The Use of Image in Sport Advertisement from View Point of Semiotics: Case Study on Wrestling Federation of Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Profssor of Linguistics faculty, Payame Noor University

2 Ph.D. of Linguistics faculty of Islamic Azad University


Present study is a semiotics analysis of the advertisements in wrestling federation and an examination of the use of image in such advertisements. The aim of this research is to analyze the processes of creating meaning under semiotics theories and to enunciate how images play role in making meaning and decide whether these images have stopped in iconic level or have entered in discourse level. The study is qualitative and content analytic based, and8 cases were selected via targeted sampling among 522 topics and news texts and related images and notifications. The findings show that sport advertisements suffer from a lack of the new, exquisite and innovative ideas, though some good ideas may spark too. The signs applied in wrestling federation are mostly direct, while the audience reach to its concept considering the explicit meaning of signs and implicit meanings of signs that are not understandable.Entrance in discourse area, live and dynamic presence of semios and creating ambiguity and manipulating the signs that are main features of a successful advertisement can be seen rarely in advertisements of this federation.


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