Environmental Analysis of Assignment Iranian football clubs , Case study: Esteghlal and Persepolis clubs

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Sport Management, Payame Noor University

2 Assistant Professor of Sport Management, University of Ilam.


Football as a major part of sport industry in the world and in terms of economic,social and cultural feature has left a great impact on sports and societies .Activities in a distinct industry are gaining benefit and rejecting harms.Complex relations in the field of management;business and economy rely on enhancement of the state overseeing and reduction the role of executive government.This paper aims to study Environmental analysis(SWOT) of assignment football clubs to the private sector. To do so, a qualitative research method was adopted, and 31experts who were aware of the subject took part in detailed interviews.The findings from the analysis of the interviews led to the strengths (7cases), weaknesses (15cases), opportunities (7cases), threats (15cases) and strategies(20) .The results showed that Assignment football clubs to the private sector in present conditions is almost doomed to failure. The threat of privatization of football clubs is the lack of income components.


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