Investigating the moderating role of gender on Relationship between Relationship-based Marketing and Customer Loyalty in sport

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of sport management, Allameh Tabatabai University

2 Ph.D Candidate of Sport Management, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan


The aim of this research was investigating the moderating role of gender on relationship between relationship-based marketing and customer loyalty in sports. This survey was descriptive-correlational research that 376 subjects (189 female, 187 male) took part in it. Data gathered through relationship between marketing questionnaire and customers’ loyalty questionnaire which their face validity was confirmed by 15 university experts and reliability was approved by alpha Cronbach’s of α=0.92, α=0.95, respectively. The data were analyzed using pearson correlation coefficient and Z Fisher test. The results showed that: there is significant relationship between relationship-based marketing components and male customers loyalty (p


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