Determining the model of effective factors on the development of environment culture in sport

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A of Sport Management, Razi University, Kermanshah

2 Assistant Professor of Sport Management, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Sport Management, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.


The purpose of this study was to explain the model of effective factors on the development of environmental culture in sport. This research was descriptive-survey research. The statistical population of all students was Razi University of Kermanshah. Based on the sample size of Krejci and Morgan samples, 384 students from Razi University responded to a questionnaire reviewed by Bojemehani and Razavi (1393) with a five-point scale Likert scale. The factual and content validity of the questionnaire was evaluated by a survey of faculty members and experts related to the subject of the research and its reliability was reported through Cronbach's alpha of 0.78. To analyze the data, the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis method was used to identify the factors influencing the development of environmental culture in sport using the spss and lisrel software. The results of the research confirmed the six factors including the transitional effects of education, research, management, structure, culture development and national strategies as factors influencing the development of environmental culture in sport. Also, the confirmatory factor analysis showed fit for the model


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