Novel approach in order to design a human resource performance assessment questionnaire in sports organizations using an axiomatic design technique

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Student Shahrood University of Technology

2 Associate Professor sport management, Shahrood University of Technology

3 Associate Professor of Production and Operation Management, Shahrood University of Technology


The aim of this study was to investigate a novel approach in order to design a human resource performance assessment questionnaire in sports organizations using an axiomatic design technique. The statistical‌ population of the survey covers all human resources of the ministry(including managers, employees and experts) for the year 2017(N=840)where260samples were considered(n=260)based on Kerejsay and Morgan table. Data gathering tool is a researcher-made questionnaire which is based on human resource performance assessment. The research method is a combination of exploratory and sequential explorations based on the design of a questionnaire using the principle of the axiom design technique. In order to analyze the descriptive statistics data and before and after sport organizations questionnaire,the technique design based on the axiom and appropriate components and relevant indicators have been gathered. Also, apparent validity is determined according to the viewpoint of the professors and,on the other hand, the principle of information determines the content validity and the principle of independence is proportional to the structural validity. Reliability of the questionnaires is calculated based on Cronbach's alpha technique. The results illustrate that the reliability of the questionnaire validity which is designed by the axiom-based design technique is at a level of error of 0.5.Also, the design questionnaire has a higher Cronbach alpha coefficient using axial-based design technique at95%confidence level. A comprehensive performance assessment is achieved when the Ministry of Sports and Youth have the quality in three general criteria, namely the selection of staff, performance indicators of human resources and the maintenance of staff.


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