Exploring the Role of Emotional intelligence and Emotional Labor on Consumers' Behavioral Sport for all ( with approach emotional marketing on consumer behavior)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of sport management, Farhangian University of Tehran Province

2 Professor of sport management, Tehran Central Branch, Islamic Azad University

3 . Associate Professor of sport management, Tehran Central Branch, Islamic Azad University


The purpose of this research is to recognize the impact Emotional intelligence and Emotional Labor on satisfaction Consumers' Behavioral Sport for all in Iran. In order to clarify this we picked 384 (220 female and 164 men) random samples of 22 regions municipal sport organization of Tehran ,They voluntarily filled in Emotional intelligence assessment questionnaires (braket, 2006) , for Emotional Labor assessment questionnaires (kim & et al 2009) and on satisfaction Consumers' Behavioral assessment questionnaires (mutila & et al 2011) with Cronbach’s Alpha more 0.70 were used to determine the reliability coefficient.
This study is a relative- analytic one and it has been done by means of a fieldwork . The results indicated that the model of regression have Goodness of fit. there is a direct significant relation between Emotional intelligence( β= 0.186) and Emotional Labor ( β= 0.321) with on satisfaction Consumers (p≤0.05), and the size of R Square (0.195) that show 19.5 percent of changing dependent variable driven of independents variable , also the sub variables consist understand emotion, use emotions ,management emotions and surface emotional labor that more 2.33 and relationship with satisfaction Consumers' Behavioral.


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