The role Utilitarian and Hedonic Consumption Values to Athletic Footwear Purchase Intention from perspective Students

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A Sport Marketing Management, university of Kurdistan.

2 ‏ Professor Sport Management, University of Kurdistan.


Consumption values are considered as important predictive factors in consumer behavior. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to investigate the role of two prevailing consumer value benefits on the intention to purchase global brands of Athletic Footwear in the student market. The population of the study was the all students in the University of Kurdistan. The statistical sample using was selected accidentally to be 373 individuals. The method was descriptive correlative approach. Questionnaire of the Consumption values and Intention of Purchasing (yoh et al, 2016) were used who's facial and content validity and internal consistency were verified by specialists and Cronbach's alpha, respectively. Structural Equation Modeling was used for the analysis of the data. The results showed that of Utilitarian and hedonic Consumption Values were affected by coefficients of 0.79 and 0.87, respectively. according to this, hedonic Consumption Values in relation to the Utilitarian Consumption Values is more important in the intention of buying Athletic Footwear in the student's market. The results of this research provide the knowledge necessary for designing strategies and programs for marketing for marketers and retailers of global sports shoes in the country, in order to benefit from the high-paying and lucrative markets of the students.


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