In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Sports Management of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Masters Student, Sport Managment , Razi University, Kermanshah.

2 Assistant Professor ,Sport Managment, Razi University, Kermanshah

3 Assistant Professor, Sport Management, Razi University, Kermanshah


strategic management practices at Youth and Sports Offices in West of Iran. The methodology was descriptive
and Strategic, which is carried out within the scope of the survey. Population was included all managers, deputies and experts from the Youth and Sports Offices in West of Iran (Kermanshah, Hamedan, Ilam, Lorestan, and Kurdistan) and the sampling was purposeful, the number of 150 complete researcher-made questionnaires was collected. Face and content validity was confirmed by experts and elites and construct validity was confirmed using confirmatory factor analysis. The results showed that the human factor by 6 items, environmental factors and political factors having 2 to 3 items, identified and confirmed the strategic management as affecting factors, Also, human and environmental factors (with factor loadings 0.91) were in priority. Checking the fit of the model of the factors affecting on strategic management Practices of Youth and Sports Offices in West of Iran showed that all parameters in this model were fit. It is concluded that, we must focused on human factors and attention on the environment in developing factors affecting on strategic management at Youth and Sports Offices in West of Iran on.


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