Premier League football stadiums check location using geographic information system (GIS)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Sports management graduate student at Tehran University

2 Associate Professor of Sport Management, of Tehran University

3 M.A.Hydrogeomorphologhy graduate student at Tehran University


Sport facilities and opportunities for emotional development, cognitive, perceptual and social groups of the society. But if these places were built without regard to principles of positioning, in addition to high costs can not be considered people. On the basis of this study has been the place Premier League stadiums. Data gathering tools were divided into two groups of field instruments(questionnaire(It was a researcher-made one whose validity was confirmed by some of the professors and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha method (91%), View and interview) And softwares included (ARCGIS 10.2, SPSS 22, google earth). . Data analysis is based on Geographic Information System (GIS). The population of the 12 Premier League stadiums that are evaluated in terms of human and natural factors. Human criteria including Access, development, population density sidelines of the stadium and the welfare status of criteria including geology, climate and geomorphology of the stadium is marginal. The results of the assessment indicate that the Premier League stadiums have many differences in terms of the criteria used in this study And in terms of natural and human criteria do not match fit. The results show that the human criteria Azadi Stadium for easy access, the possibility of the development of the stadium as well as on the margins are better than other stadiums, amusement and recreation facilities have more points. Also in terms of criteria, Samen Stadium Mashhad due to geological conditions, geomorphological climatic conditions suitable for the development of the highest points.


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