The Effect of Organizational Culture on Organizational Effectiveness with meditating of knowledge management in the directorate office of sport and youth in East Azerbaijan province

Document Type : Research Paper


1 professor of Sport Management, University of Guilan

2 Assistant professor of Sport Management, University of Guilan

3 ph.d Student of Sport Management, University of Guilan


This study aimed to investigate the effect of organizational culture on the organizational effectiveness with meditating of knowledge management in the directorate office of sport and youth in East Azerbaijan province. The population (N=224) included all managers, deputies and employees in the directorate of youth and sport office in East Azerbaijan province Finally, 213 people (95%) participated in the study as sample. Research tools were the culture of Cameron & Quinn’s (1999), organizational effectiveness of Hsu (2002) and knowledge management of Lawson’s (2003) questionnaires. The validity was confirmed and reliability was obtained as α > 0.7. The data were analyzed using, SPSS 18 and SMART PLS. The results showed the effect of culture on organizational effectiveness (2.45) and on knowledge management (15.194) is significant. Also, the effect of culture on effectiveness with the meditating role of knowledge management (6.723*15.194) was significant. Therefore, culture affected the effectiveness directly and with meditating of knowledge management


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