In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Sports Management of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, University of Tabriz,

2 Assistant Professor, Sport Management, University of Tabriz, Iran

3 PhD student, Sports Marketing Management, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran


The purpose of the research was, structural modeling in explanation components of sustainable development of sport places (Economic, Social Factors and Environmental) on Urban Environment. The survey population comprised 650 residents around the Takhti Stadium, police forces, municipally-owned forces around the stadium and stadium officials. The sample via stratified random sampling targeted 235 people were selected. The present study was descriptive, is the analytical type survey. A questionnaire was used to collect data. The validity (content, convergence, divergence) and reliability (factor loadings, reliability of supplies and alpha coefficient) questionnaires were well within acceptable limits. The results of hypotheses testing can be used by software AMOS respectively and using the path (B). The results showed that, the components of sustainable development of sports places (economic, environmental) had a significant effect on the urban environment of Tabriz. Also, among the social determinants of sustainable development of sports places, no significant positive effects on the urban environment were found. The environmental with a regression coefficient of 0.73 had the most impact on the urban environment of Tabriz.So custodian’s sports community with the sustainable development desirable future for human societies is guarantee and where the living conditions and the use of resources, without damaging the integrity, stability and beauty of critical systems, human needs are solved.



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