Designing the Model of Sports path And Career Transition In professional wrestlers

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Sport Management, University of Guilan

2 Sport Management graduated at the University of Guilan

3 Assistant Professor of Sport Management, University of Guilan


The purpose of this research was consideration of effective factors on passing of occupational-athletic path among famous wrestling. The research method is descriptive-correlative. Statistical population includes specialists in research field. Statistical sample were deans, managers, experts, coaches and famous athletes in wrestling who were selected in form of meaningful and accessible sampling (n=234). The instrument of research-made questionnaire was in basis of library study and semi-conducted interview (5 factors,22 dimension, 87 subscales). The validity of instrument was confirmed and evaluated by using specialists’ idea and modeling structural equation. For analyzing data was used PLS software. The results was indicated that recognized factors were personal field and occupational spread (independent variables), talent management and structure of occupational path (mediator variables) and desirability of occupational path (dependent variable). The results of line analysis indicated that these three factors don’t have significant effect on desirability of occupational path directly, but it has significant effect by structure of occupational path indirectly. can state that occupational path management is basis on kind of systematical management in wrestling as we can propose personal field and occupational spread as circumstances factors, talent management and structure of occupational passing as process factors and desirability of occupational passing as factors which have main role and are determinative.


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