Developing a knowledge management model based on the organizational readiness of the staff of the Ministry of Sports and Youth

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Candidete in Sport Management of Islamic Azad University of Hamedan.

2 Professor of Sport management, at Allameh Tabatabaei University.

3 Assistant professor of management and planning in Physical Education, of Islamic Azad University of Malayer.

4 Associate Professor of Sport management, at Allameh Tabatabaei University.


The purpose of this study was to develop a knowledge management model based on the organizational readiness of the staff of the Ministry of Sports and Youth. This research was correlational and its data were collected using a questionnaire The statistical population includes all employees of the Ministry of Sport and Youth in 1995, which is 890 (569 men, 321 women). For each free parameter, 5 people were enrolled, thus the sample size was 350.

Sampling was done using simple random sampling. The instrument for data collection was organizational readiness and knowledge management. The face validity of the questionnaires approved by 15 sports management professors and their ending by using Cronbach's alpha coefficient for organizational readiness and knowledge management questionnaire were α = 0.78 andα = 75 / 0 Approved. The data were analyzed using the binomial test and using structural equation modeling method through Smart-PLS software. The results showed that organizational readiness had a positive and significant effect on knowledge management of the staff of the Ministry of Sport and Youth (t = 3.221, p < 0.01). Explaining a clear and precise approach to the benefits of deploying a knowledge management system is considered necessary.


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