Social implications of the presence and success of Muslim veil women in international sporting events: qualitative study

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D.student of sports management,Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Sport Management, Razi University, Kermanshah.

3 Assistant Professor Department of Sport Management, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran.


"Hijab" is one of the most valuable cultural and social phenomena in Iranian-Islamic civilization, its history dates back to the arrival of Islam, but in Islamic culture it reaches the height of its excellence and value.The hijab and chastity of the religious phenomenon is an important value in Islamic teachings and paying attention to cultural-social contexts is very desirable and necessary, and its extension and deepening requires fundamental and continuous education in the family, school, university and community.In order to create a proper hijab culture and society in the society, we must first consolidate the beliefs and insights of individuals on this issue, that is, institutionalizing the right beliefs and accurate culture. Therefore, threats and coercion will never be effective as the first solution.The purpose of this study was to identify the social consequences of the presence of Muslim veil women in international sporting events. The research methodology was qualitative, phenomenological. The statistical population of the present study was elite athletes and experts in women's sports that were interviewed using snowball sampling method with 10 elite athletes who participated in international events. Data were collected by semi-structured interviews and interviews were conducted to investigator's theoretical saturation . After three stages, open source, axial, and selective categories were extracted. The findings were classified in two sections: internal implications and international outcomes. The Nvivo 10 qualitative data classification software was used to analyze the interview data.


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