Vision of Organizational Sociability Components based on Servant Leadership Traits (Case Study; Youth and Sports Department of West Azarbaijan Province)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Student in Sport Management of Urmia University.

2 Professor of Sport Management, Urmia University

3 Master Science in Sport Management of Urmia University


The aim of this study was to anticipate the vision of organizational sociability components based on servant leadership traits in staff of youth and sports department  of West Azarbaijan province.. The method used in this research is descriptive correlation. Statistical population includes all staff of department of youth and sports in west Azarbaijan province (65 persons). To collect data, valid and reliable questionnaire of servant leadership (α=0/97) and organizational socialization (α=0/91) were used. Regarding the normal data distribution multi regression and Pearson correlation tests were used. Findings show that there is a positive and significant correlation between servant leadership characteristics and organizational sociability. Also, multiple regression analysis revealed that some subscales of servant leadership can positively and significantly predict organizational sociability components (P<0/05). Based on the obtained results of this study, it is suggested to the managers and leaders and agents of youth and sports departments and newly established sports organizations to act through servant leadership characteristics in order to improve organizational sociability and to realize their roles as well as organization's role.


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