Obstacles and Challenges of University Students' Sports Marketing (Case Study: Payame Noor University)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Sport Management at Payam Noor University

2 Graduate Student of Business Management at Tehran University

3 Ph.D. Student in Sport Management Razi University of Kermanshah


The aim of present research is to identify the obstacles and challenges of university students' sports marketing at Physical Education department ofPayame Noor university. This research was a descriptive analytical research. The statiscal populations were Director Generals of Physical Education department, deputies, Physical Education faculty members active in field of strategy and Heads of departments physical education Payam Noor were provinces, which total of 50 people. The data collected A researcher- made through the questionnaire included 55 questions the validity and reliability (91/.) Were distributed. The data were collected by SPSS software version 16 and for data analysis to rank the Friedman test at the significant level (./.5) and matrix of internal and external factors evaluation was used. Results showed that the physical education organization in the current situation of 10 strengths, 10 weaknesses, 10 opportunities and 10  threats is facing. forming a marketing department, Lack of knowledge among employes of the marketing planning process, Regarding the role sponsors in the planning of student sport and failure to allocate sufficient funds for the development of student sport's highest importance. The results showed that some of the obstacles and challenges such as, Shortage of sites and specialized publications, lack of media coverage, lack of marketing strategy,Weakness in attracting sponsors, lack of meetings with organizations active marketing of the most important challenges that must be considered by managers.


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