Determining Degree of Importance of Marketing Strategies for Premier League Football Clubs by AHP

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Sport Management graduated at Bu ALI Sina University

2 Professor in Sport Mnangement, Allame Tabatabaei University

3 Professor in Sport Management, University of Tehran

4 Associate Professor in Sport Mnangement, Allame Tabatabaei University


Since  government funds is limited to develop sports infrastructure, earning more and monitoring costs for sports programs and organization’s goals are considered. Clubs budget is reached to unprecedented figures in the tens or even hundreds of million dollars. As the clubs moved on to the commercial nature of their sporting nature, such a situation requires a transformation of the traditional features of the football industry. In order to prioritize marketing strategy of Premier League football clubs, the comments of 53 executives of clubs, marketing committee, officials and sports marketing football clubs experts were collected through researcher made questionnaires. Experts confirmed the questionnaire validity and respectively their reliability were confirmed due to inconsistency ratio of questionnaires that are less than (0.1). The results showed that developing a strategic marketing plan for premier league clubs matcher with the approach of maximum absorption advertising and sponsorship, developing the club comprehensive system and improving opportunities for private investment sectors are in priority second to fourth in the premier league. Developing stimulus plan to enter foreign top players in the premier league is the lowest priority.


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