Developing Strategic Plan of Sport for All and Championship Sport of Islamic Azad University Using SWOT-ANP

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD condidate in sport management, Payam Noor University

2 Professor in Sport Management, Payam Noor University


The aim of this study was to develop strategic plan of sport for all & championship sport of Islamic Azad University.. To analyze the findings and to determine the appropriate strategy SWOT analysis (SWOT) and to prioritize strategies (ANP) is used. To collect data from interviews, library and field studies, previous research and comments made by members of the Steering Council, which includes faculty and college sports officials, and three questionnaires was used. The first questionnaire were identified internal and external factors affecting validity confirmed by experts and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha test 86/0. The second questionnaire and in meeting strategic and operating intensity factor of importance (weight) of each item was determined, according to the same matrix evaluation of internal and external factors strategy for sport and the championship of Islamic Azad University focused on competitive conditions in force (ST) was determined. In this specific steps according to population, with 20 members of the faculty and college sports officials, the questionnaires were completed. Based on the research findings and the results of the calculated super matrix limit weightings and the views of the members of the Strategic Council, strategies such as the development and qualification of public physical education units, the quantitative and qualitative development of sporting events and the development of easy access for students to public and championship sports are proposed.


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