In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Sports Management of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student of Sport Management in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.

2 Associate professor of sport management in Ferdowsi university of Mashhad.

3 Associate professor of sport and exercise psychology, Claude Bernard, Lyon1 university, France.

4 professor of Management and Sport Marketing, Claude Bernard, Lyon1 University, France.

5 Associate Professor of Management in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.


Purpose of this study was to compare fit of sponsors of Iran national volleyball team from participants’ point of views. This study was survey-based and has been used random sampling to collect data. Zdravkovic and collegues’ questionnaire was used to collect required data. For measuring fitness,  nine micro dimensions and two macro dimensions were studied. For comparison of these dimensions, MANOVA and Scheffe  post-hoc tests were used by STATISTICA software. Measurement and SEM tests were analysed by M Plus software.
Results: Results of MANOVA tests showed that there are significant difference between micro and macro dimensions fit -except geography- between three sponsors, but post-hoc tests showed that there are not significant difference between different dimensions of fit between Day bank and Hamrah Aval and there are significant difference between all fit dimensions of Merooj and Day bank –except involvement- and also between Merooj and Hamrah Aval –except mission-. Measurement and SEM tests showed good results (fit) for three sponsors.
Discussion: According to obtained results, for improving this win-win relationship, it is better that sponsors and teams focus on a fit relationship and if it does not seem fit from participants’ point of view, they should do some promotional activity for clarifying this relationship.


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