The codification of criteria for selecting national Volleyball coaches

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Sport Management, Tehran University

2 Sport Management, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences

3 Tehran Central Payamenoor University

4 Azad University, Central Tehran Branch

5 Faculty of Medicine, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences


Background: One of the important factors in success of sport teams is the role of coach in the teams. An experienced coach can improve athletes' performance and the team's by his knowledge and experiences. The purpose of this study is compiling of selected criteria for national volleyball coaches in the country.
Method: In this descriptive-measurable study information related to selecting the criteria for the coaches were collected by questionnaires. Then the importance level of each criterion in selection of nation volleyball coaches of the country was examined by gathering the person's ideas. For this purpose 92 people including coaches, managers, elites and players as the respondents participated in the survey.
Results: The results showed that there is no significant relation between groups of coaches, managers, elites and players in the field of technical, managerial, social and personality indexes in the selection of volleyball coaches of the country. Also, there is no significant relation between total respondents' opinions in selection of coaches indexes. Finally, according to the total respondents' opinions, in order of importance, technical, managerial, personality and social indexes are the most important criteria in selection of national volleyball coaches of the country.
Conclusion: According to the respondents' views, managerial, technical, and social indexes are the most important criteria in selection of national volleyball coaches of the country.
