In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Sports Management of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.s of Sport Management, Payam Noor University

2 Associate Professor of Sport Management, Payam Noor University


The purpose of this study was Prioritization of affecting factors on the development of sports tourism with emphasis on sports natural attractions in Alborz Province. The statistical sample is equal with statistical population (N=75) including three groups: sports association expertise (n=40), expertise of tourism agencies (n=20) and expertise of cultural and tourism heritage organization (n=15). Research data has been collected by standard questionnaire. Validity and reliability of questionnaire has been confirmed by the advice of professors and Chronbach's Alpha coefficient respectively. For data analyzing have been used from  Kolmogorov–Smirnov, Fridman and kruskal wallis. The results showed that there is not significance difference between perspectives of three groups of expertise based on Prioritization of the natural/sports attractions in Alborz Province. Also, among the natural/sports attractions for the development of tourism, the attractions related to winter sports and hill climbing and Ecotourism are in first and second priorities respectively. Generally, Alborz province has many natural/sports attractions for sports tourists. Thus for the development of sports tourism, education of expert human resources, employment of educated and specialist staff, proper management with the right decisions and appropriate actions is necessary.


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