An Analysis of Relationship between Arousal, Pleasure, Attitude toward Advertisements, Consumers’ Future Intention in Sport Service (University of Tehrans’ students case study)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Sport Management, Tehran University

2 Sport Management, Payame Noor University


The purpose of this study was designing the consumers’ responses model of sport service to the affective Advertisements. Method research was descriptive - correlational. The statistical population consisted of all the of students University of Tehran. For sampling, we selected 440 students based on stratified random sampling. For gathering data, three main questionnaires utilized: Aad questionnaire (Wells and et al., 1971), Arousal and Pleasure questionnaire (Mehrabian & Russell, 1988) and FI questionnaire (Machleit & Wilson, 1988). The validity of questionnaires determined by experts and the reliability were (α = 0.96) for Aad questionnaire, (α = 0.90) for Arousal questionnaire, (α = 0.93) for Pleasure questionnaire and (α = 0.93) for FI questionnaire. The SEM utilized for analyzing data. In examining relationships between variables, the output of the software EQS 6.1 was representing the structural model fit. (The index rate were NFI = 0.93, CFI = 0.95 & RMSEA = 0.068). It has been shown the appropriate SEM. In other words, the Observed data were similar to study design. The results indicated Aad (β =0.46) and pleasure (β =0.27) on consumer’s FI had the positive direct effect.The arousal (ϒ =0.51) on consumer’s FI had the strong indirect effect as well. According to our results, for creating the positive purchase behaviors among the sport service consumers, the understanding arousal, pleasure and Aad are essential by marketers and managers.
