Identifying and Analyzing Factors Affecting Financial Corruption in the Iranian Sports Industry (Qualitative Approach)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD.Student, Department of Physical Education,Shahrood Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Sport Management, Department. Sari Branch. Islamic Azad University, Sari Iran.

3 Assistant Professor of Sport Management, Islamic Azad University, oloum tahghighat Branch. Tehran, iran.


The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the factors affecting financial corruption in the sports industry. From the paradigm perspective, the present research is a type of commentary research, qualitative approach, grounded theory strategy and hidden content analysis tactics. data were collected through in-depth interviews with 15 experts and executives of the Ministry of Sport, the professors of the judiciary, and the experts in the field of sport management. The sampling method was non-probable and snowballed and the interviews continued until theoretical saturation of the research questions and objectives was achieved. The data are in both format of audio and text, and were analyzed by MAXQDA18 software. After processing and open coding of the interviews, the researcher identified the factors in terms of causal, contextual, and confounding conditions. Categories of "managerial, legal and nature of sport" as categories of causal conditions, and "performance of politics, government, and structure" as the contextual conditions, and categories of "rent, brokerage, lobbying, media and motivational factors" as confounding conditions.They are the factors that influence corruption financial in the sports industry in Iran. Based on these results, to provide the financial corruption in these organizations, is suggested that sport managers and responsible to do best by modifying and enhancing the management status, formulating scientific and principled programs, making the best decisions for the country sport with help of experts, and improving the quality of the their management of resources.


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