Identification and Prioritization of Factors Affecting succession in the Ministry of Sport and Youth with Competency-Based Approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student in Sport Management, of Islamic Azad University, Kerman Branch

2 Associate Professor of Sport Management, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman

3 Sport Management Department, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran


The purpose of the present study is to Identification and Prioritization of Factors Affecting succession in the Ministry of Sport and Youth with Competency-Based Approach. This study in terms of goal is a kind of applied research, in terms of time is cross- sectional, in terms of data collection is a mixed and combined data, and in terms of method and strategy is a correlation study. In the first stage, reviewing the texts and selective open- source coding (content analysis), the primary data of staff's competency variables and its related components and surrogacy variables were extracted qualitatively, and then in the second stage, , in the third stage, using quantitative method analyzing and model fitting is performed. Gathering information is through field and library method. After determining the research sample, the interview tool is used to collect the required data. Information is gathered through library, checking the documents, interview and standard competency and researcher- made surrogacy questionnaires. human resource management and a high working background, so senior managers, human resource managers of Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs, and experts of human resource management field were selected as experts through snowball sampling


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