Representing Model of Resistance Economy in Iranian Sport

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.d candidate in sport management, faculty of sport science, Islamic Azad University of Isfahan (Khorasgan), Isfahan, Iran.

2 2. Associate professor, faculty of sport science, Islamic Azad University of Isfahan (Khorasgan), Isfahan, Iran.


Social phenomena, in large extents, need following the directing policies and frameworks of economic. Therefore, presenting understandable and applicable models is essential in order to be used as economic strategies. Sport in micro and macro levels, which is considered as a social phenomena, is not an exception and it needs social studies in the fields of Econometrics. As a matter of fact, recent economic policies in Iran have the concept of resistance. Thus, the main purpose of the study is to present a model of institutionalizing the resistance economic in sport. This study implementing a qualitative content analysis and Glizer's approach, conducted 15 semi-structured interviews to take benefit of sport and economic genius and authorities' viewpoint. To clarify the concepts, conceptual model of macro level institutionalizing resistance economic in sport was elicited and presented. Based on findings, eight main factors of sociable, economics, legal, infrastructural, environmental, scientific, technologic and cultural were extracted. In such case, it can be mentioned that in order to accomplish important economic policies in management realms like sport, it is necessary to acculturate and strengthen the intended society, providing soft and hard infrastructures and humanwares , as well as taking benefit from scientific, geographic, local and sociological.


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