Investigating and comparing the diversity of sports science disciplines in Iranian and world universities: Toward application of sport sciences

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Sport Management, Arak University, Arak, Iran


The experiences of other countries in the field of the type of discipline and the intended goals for it, can explore and analyze a range of strategic thinking in educational programs in order to apply science. The aim of the present study was a comparative study of sports science disciplines in Iranian and world universities from the perspective of discipline diversity in order to apply this discipline. Qualitative research method and in this regard, Bereday model was used. The statistical sample was the curriculum of sports sciences of the top universities in sports sciences. Shanghai ranking (2018) was used in the selection of universities of sports sciences. A study of 100 different universities in the field of sports showed that more than 84 different disciplines of sports sciences are taught at the undergraduate level, while in Iran 16 disciplines of sports sciences are taught. The type of degrees (Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts, etc.), the variety of disciplines and the type of institution (department, college, school, university) in the undergraduate course in universities in Iran and the world are different. Diversity of disciplines in order to create interdisciplinary approaches should be considered and it is suggested that a range of disciplines of sports sciences tailored to the needs of Iranian Islamic society and culture in order to develop multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches. To be created. This is important because the development of sports science disciplines can be used as a tool to make sports science more practical in society.


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