The purpose of this study was to design a model for the development of social responsibility of the Physical Education General Directorate of Payame Noor University. The 115 pepole of manegers and experts and faculty members were selected and answered the researcher-made questionnaire of 22 five-point Likert questions. The face and content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed based on the opinions of sports management researchers and its reliability was obtained using Cronbach's alpha coefficient (96%). In order to analyze the data, heuristic factor, Friedman ranking test and structural equation analysis were used with the help of SPSS software version 23 and nameplate Findings showed that the model of factors affecting the promotion of social responsibility of Payame Noor University Physical Education Department consists of 5 dimensions of stakeholders, social, environmental, economic and voluntary, which according to the result of Friedman test based on a significant priority among them. (2x 26/18, P <0.01), social, voluntary, environmental, stakeholder and economic dimensions have priority, respectively. And the fit indices of the model have an acceptable and desirable value and the research model is approved.
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Goudarzi, M. , and Hoseyni Shokrabi, S. H. . "Design a model for the development of social responsibility of the Physical Education General Directorate of Payame Noor University", Applied Research in Sport Management, 9, 4, 2021, 91-106. doi: 10.30473/arsm.2021.7623
Goudarzi, M., Hoseyni Shokrabi, S. H. (2021). 'Design a model for the development of social responsibility of the Physical Education General Directorate of Payame Noor University', Applied Research in Sport Management, 9(4), pp. 91-106. doi: 10.30473/arsm.2021.7623
M. Goudarzi and S. H. Hoseyni Shokrabi, "Design a model for the development of social responsibility of the Physical Education General Directorate of Payame Noor University," Applied Research in Sport Management, 9 4 (2021): 91-106, doi: 10.30473/arsm.2021.7623
Goudarzi, M., Hoseyni Shokrabi, S. H. Design a model for the development of social responsibility of the Physical Education General Directorate of Payame Noor University. Applied Research in Sport Management, 2021; 9(4): 91-106. doi: 10.30473/arsm.2021.7623